Over the last few months, I've had a lot more difficulty going up and down my stairs due to knee pain. I figured it was just arthritis and that maybe at 60, it was just going to be something I had to struggle with from now on. During the rough spell of the last couple of months, it got to where it was taking me a couple of minutes to get down the stairs right after waking up. I had to turn sideways and hold on to the rail and go very slowly.
A key aspect of this rough spell has been grimacing with any exertion, so coming down the stairs was effectively a chorus of winces, grimaces, groans and moans - highlighted with an occasional "Son of a gun!" (Of course, I didn't cuss!). It sounded pretty awful, but the harmony was actually quite impressive!Especially since my stairs are kind of like a shower in that the sound bounces off the wall and gives your voice some nice reverb.
Then I got a novel idea... I sing in the shower, why not sing when I go down the stairs after waking up?! With my renewed interest in singing, it'll be good practice and it sure sounds better than the moaning and groaning! So I've had a nice diversion from the pain and instead of dreading hobbling down the stairs, I've actually been enjoying it, singing whatever comes to mind. Sometimes it's a favorite song and sometimes I just make one up as I go along!
With the surprising improvement in my knees in the last several days from the new fibromyalgia med, I can whiz down the stairs without a problem now. (Shazam!) But I still take my time...and it's even more fun to try out different songs with the enhancing effect of the staircase reverb. Funny, that in the midst of adversity, pain led me to a joy that I might not have discovered...an opportunity for joy that had always been right in front of me. I don't wish pain upon anyone, but I do hope that even if you are hurting every day, that in some way you find the same kind of joy I did when I discovered "The Singing Stairs"... :)
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