Happy Tuesday guys! Still not feeling up to a workout but at least I did get out and vote! For me, this election boiled down to freedom or tyranny. It seems obvious to me that Obama is the most corrupt and tyrannical President in American history. Although he's not on the ballot, anything that can be done to stop him is a step towards liberty - and not just for conservatives, but even his supporters.
From what I've seen, most liberals support or at least turn a blind eye to the constant attack on religious freedom, the second amendment and personal liberty in general. They're perfectly fine with the principle of violating others' rights if it promotes their agenda. Well, even if your agenda is noble, supporting the tyrannical approach being used by Obama and the Democratic party is 50 shades of wrong. And in the big picture, you're actually supporting giving up your own liberty by establishing the precedent that liberty should be sacrificed if those in power decide it's okay to take it from you.
I'm a compassionate person who tries to understand a person's perspective on controversial issues such as same-sex marriage, tax policy, abortion, healthcare, marijuana legalization, environmental issues, etc. I know a lot of liberals genuinely want to do the right thing and just disagree with conservatives on what the right thing is. I think it's great to stand up for what you believe - but with integrity and respect for opposing views, which seems to be rare on the left.
That tolerance of different viewpoints is glaringly absent from the Democratic party and apparently from most of the liberal universe. Not only is there a lack of tolerance, but an epidemic of downright bigotry and vitriol towards those fellow Americans whose only offense is to believe differently. Yes, there are those on the right who are crude and disrespectful in their treatment of liberals, but they are the exceptions. By and large conservatives just want to live their lives in a moral and responsible manner and are respectful of those who don't have the same beliefs. Mostly, they take a live-and-let-live perspective towards others and just go on about their lives...until those others become hell-bent on attacking their freedom...
In today's warped media, a conservative standing up for his rights is a bigot, but the liberal trying to take them away is a hero. Under the guise of social and economic justice, those who have earned a great deal of wealth are demonized and stereotyped as greedy and evil. Of course, if that rich person is a liberal, then they are worshipped by the left.
Christians are portrayed by the left as pretty much the worst evil on the planet. Nothing could be further from the truth. Frankly, the answer for America's problems is not atheism or turning away from God. Even unbelievers would fare much better if this nation had more Christianity.
It appalls me to read the vile, crude and demeaning terms the left commonly uses to characterize Republicans, Christians and conservatives - and especially the Tea Party and Sarah Palin. And no, it's not the same on the right - not even close. And even worse is that those demonizing characterizations are based on nothing more than lies and convenient distortions of the truth. Frankly, liberalism as it's mostly practiced today is a low-class, angry, vindictive pursuit to get even with people who actually haven't done you any harm. Underlying the agenda, is a vested interest in being a victim, anything necessary to blame others rather than accept responsibility for your own life and your own happiness - and your own poor choices.
If conservatism was actually what the media and liberals portrayed it as, I wouldn't have anything to do with it. But thank God, I'm able to see through the epidemic of lies and deception that have swept the nation in recent times. My prayer is that the people who were deceived by Obama realize they were had by a con-artist and a liar, who will say or do anything in the pursuit of power - the country and it's citizens be damned...
I'm all for compassion, generosity, caring for the poor and downtrodden, safety nets for people who really need it, conservation and respect for our natural resources and parks, etc. but if you're going to pursue your agenda by trying to destroy fellow citizens who have done no wrong, then count me out... If that is what liberalism is going to continue to be, then I hope this election is the beginning of its demise. One of the profound messages that I hope this election sends to the Democratic party and its constituents is to find a more constructive and honorable way to promote those issues that you feel passionate about...and never again demonstrate such blatant disrespect for the freedoms and liberty that so many Americans have fought and died for...
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