I did some thinking about how I can better keep myself on track with my Body-for-LIFE fitness program. One pitfall that so many people experience is that after losing a lot of weight or achieving an important goal they back off on their workouts and get a lot more flexible with their food intake. Of course, that often means regaining a lot of weight.
So I felt it was a good idea for me to reframe my fitness perspective. Surely, it's important to drop the excess weight, but more than anything it's about being the person I want to be and who I think God wants me to be. Even if I was at my normal weight, my fitness regimen would still be just as important, because it means I'm living consistent with my values and principles. When I look at it that way, I'm not so tempted to back off after losing a lot of weight.
In many areas of life, it's painful to live in a way that is inconsistent with who you are - in your job, relationships, family life, etc. - so you're already motivated to live according to your principles. You do it because it's your character - not requiring some big goal, but simply because it's who you want to be. I hope that you can also view your fitness program in a similar fashion and that your commitment and drive is driven each day mostly because you are passionate about being the best "You" you can be... :)