Happy Saturday gang! Hope you're having as much fun as I am! Seriously, even though I still feel awfully cruddy, I'm having a blast! It does get frustrating, but I always seem to find a way to still have a good time...
Today, I've been getting all of my music dialed-in on the new PC - about 8000 songs! I've been using the Amazon Cloud Player lately and have really liked it. I can create a playlist on my PC, tablet or phone and play it on any of those devices from anywhere! I can download a given playlist to the device so that I don't have to have an internet connection to play my music. Nice! The only downside I see is that you can't burn a playlist to CD, so I'll have to continue to use iTunes for that.
The last couple of nights, I finished configuring and organizing all of my video editing software and content, which included "fixing" video projects to relink the media to the new directory locations. And last night I started installing my old PC components into a new case, which will be my hobby room PC. Along with editing a few photos and video, I really did enjoy myself last night!
Granted, I would much rather be out and about, more engaged in life, more active socially, riding the bike, etc. - but it's great to have options that allow me to be industrious in a constructive and creative way, even when the illness is elevated. It would be easy to get upset about it all, but frankly, I'd rather just focus on what I can do... Often, I start my day with "I'm so sorry, Jim, that you feel so awful...but how can we make the most of today? And even have a little fun!"
That approach has worked pretty well over the years - validating what's in my heart and then quickly shifting my focus and emotional state to where I feel empowered... no matter what. I hope there's something you can take away from today's post. Meanwhile, I'm headed to the gym! :)