"Just this once - and I'll get back on track tomorrow..."
One of the things that derails so many fitness/weight-loss programs is the "Just this once" syndrome. Even though you're committed to establishing new habits, the old habits are still "installed" for awhile. As such, when a trigger such as stress shows up, it almost seems impossible to resist the impulse. Your brain even tries to convince you it's not just an impulse, but a genuine need. So to alleviate the stress of fighting against such a powerful impulse, it just seems easier to give in just this once... and get back on track tomorrow...
But what's the real truth? By giving in, you've effectively made a decision to abandon your goals and go back to the old lifestyle that ironically caused you so much pain... Of course, it doesn't SEEM that this one exception will really hurt, but think about it. Ask yourself if you're okay with regaining all of the weight TOMORROW! Absurd you say? Well, in a nutshell, lowering your standard has pretty much determined the destination, all we're really arguing about is how long it will take to get there...
I say it's best to offset the perceived short-term pleasure of engorging on chocolate, or pizza, or whatever by making it a point to feel the pain NOW of what it will be like to return to that dreaded overweight and out-of-shape body. Over time, the new habit will be installed and the impulses of the bad habits will fade. When you have true clarity over the consequence of that destructive temptation, maybe it won't be so tempting after all... :)
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