Touching base... It's been a rough Saturday for me. Woke up feeling much sicker than usual - eventually going back to bed. It's the usual autoimmune-driven stuff, just much more profound than normal. My original plan was to go to the RC field to fly my glider and see my friends, do an upper-body workout and put up most of the Christmas lights. But now I'm just going to try to catch a second wind and make the best of it...
I think I need to find some new specialists. It just seems like something big is still being missed. I'm grateful for the tremendous progress I've made, but frankly it's still quite debilitating. The current diagnosis is autoimmune-driven chronic fatigue syndrome, but that doesn't explain the constant and profound feeling of sickness. It feels like poison is running through my bloodstream all the time. No one has been able to explain what is causing that. My suspicion is that it's also autoimmune-related, but hell-if-I-know! And yes, that is a real medical term! ;)
It's kind of like crossing the street and getting run over by a phantom truck. You struggle to get to your feet, but then you don't hear or see any vehicle. You clearly have bruises and scrapes but you have no idea what hit you... And then you find you're stuck in an endless loop of getting run over/ if you landed a starring role in a bad sequel to "Groundhog Day"... ;)
Anyway, thank God for the hope and joy my faith brings me...and you guys for always cheering me on... :)
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