Wednesday gang! Later start for me than expected. I'm really trying to
get the sleep cycle back on track so that I can at least wake up before
noon. Geez! But I did make it to the lab yesterday, so I'll know soon if
the thyroid med is too high, as I suspect. That's the downside of
dropping weight quickly - it makes it hard to keep your dosage where it
needs to be.
Last night, I got everything
ready to take the bike to Cardiff and ride along the coast, thinking
that maybe I'd do the same 40-mile route that I did a couple of weeks
ago - with the hope that it would go better. I had a tough time
completing the last several miles on that ride. But I woke up too late
to make it feasible and I don't really feel up to it anyway. Funny, but I
often feel like the space shuttle sitting on the launch pad - and just a
few minutes before the scheduled lift-off, I have to scrub the launch.
But I just reset the countdown timer and look forward to the next "break
in the weather"...
Frankly, at the moment I don't feel up to
doing anything. I still remember the days when I'd get up about 6am,
quickly shake off the cobwebs and hop on the bike for a 15-20 mile ride -
and then put in a full day in my computer job. Back then, I thought I
was really pushing myself to get up early and work out, but that was
nothing compared to what it takes to get going now.
I was quite
disappointed when I realized my planned big ride for today was a no-go,
but that only lasted for about 10 seconds. I immediately shifted my
focus to "Ok, then what ride CAN I do instead?". I guess in some ways
I'm better than I used to be. It might be harder to get my motor
running, but when it comes to shifting gears, ain't nobody faster than
me! :)
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