Happy Saint Patrick's Day guys! Hope you're
having a good time - not much partying going on here! Frankly, I'm
rather exhausted today. I could say it's due to the vigorous workouts
this week, or simply from carrying so much extra weight or even not
being so young anymore. I'm sure that would sound plausible, but it
wouldn't be the truth. Although those things are contributing factors,
the main cause of the exhaustion is a
serious and debilitating chronic fatigue disorder - just needed to say
that today. I don't want to hit people over the head with my medical
issues, but sometimes I really need to emphasize just how profound of an
impact that has on my life. I think I sometimes give the impression
that I live a somewhat casual and relatively carefree lifestyle -
especially since I'm not working. Although it is in my nature to always
have a cheerful outlook and a child-like heart, every task I do, even
the fun stuff, is so much harder than it was before the illness. I take
it in stride because my overall goal is to make the best of life. Part
of my motivation for this post is that I want those close to me to
better know who I am, so that we can truly be close (duh! ;). But a big
reason for this post is to illuminate what so many people with similar
"invisible illnesses" are going through... so often made to feel that
their physical issues are the result of character flaws, bad outlook,
laziness, etc. when the simple truth is that they have an overwhelming
medical condition that they can't ignore, wish away, or just "put behind
them." Although the world often pressures them to "stop complaining"
or "quit having a pity party!" the truth is that generally they're not
looking for sympathy, but simply respect, a little validation, a little
understanding... and perhaps more than anything else acceptance that
what they are dealing with is real - and that if they could, they would
flip a switch and have the illness be gone and never mention it
again... Love you guys and I feel so blessed that I can share "heavy
stuff" like this with you! :)
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