I've had a rollercoaster of wellness lately, often having to shelve planned activities such as workouts. But Friday, after 2 days of being exhausted, I felt up to getting back on the bike. Initially, I thought a short ride would be most appropriate but I knew it would be a big boost emotionally if I could ride out to Mission Trails Park - 7 miles away - so off I went. Sure enough, the first small hill told me that my wellness and conditioning still had a long way to go... I had to really struggle at times with my heart rate averaging 139bpm and hitting a max of 174bpm. The total distance was 15.2 miles. Here's the video...
Got back late last night after visiting family in Fort Worth for 11 days. It was great to see Tom back home and just to be with everyone. It was a bit of an adjustment because I had to continue on my gluten-free diet and that put the kibosh on some of our usual treats such as pizza, hamburgers, hot wings and chocolate cake! But I did fine and even managed to drop a few pounds! Imagine that! I got Mom and Tom signed up on facebook and some other family members also showed up there so it'll be a great way to hang out - at least in cyberspace. I had some problems at the airport yesterday. My original flight was cancelled at the last minute and I had to scramble to get a standby flight. My suitcase was on a later flight so I had to hang around at the airport in San Diego for over an hour to get my luggage. Then when I got home, I found out my air conditioner conked out! Anyway, great visit and great to be back. I'll be coming back in October and Christmas as well. Here's a photo I took in the lavatory right after getting on the plane. Can you tell I was excited to finally get a seat on standby?!
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