I had the "luxury"
of having an endoscopy/colonoscopy done today. I was hoping the doctor
would have an immediate assessment of what has been causing me to be so
sick for the last few months but he said we would have to wait for the
biopsies to come back in a couple of weeks. He said the good news was
there were no tumors, polyps or ulcers found.
My doc doesn't talk
much so it was hard to get him to explain the plan of action but he is
screening for celiac disease. Anyway, I'm jazzed to have got the
procedure done and I think I'm going to go ahead and start a
gluten-free diet immediately...
Man! I am so anxious
to get well and get back in the gym and back on the bike! Thanks for
listening and your support. Ideally, they'll get things figured out
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