I'm sitting here in my tent trailer late Saturday night and wanted to touch base with you... I got into Lake Jennings campground on Thursday evening. WOW! I can't believe it's been almost 2 years since the last time I went camping! That just ain't right! In some ways it's a barometer of how things are going in my life. If Jim hasn't been camping...or riding his bike...or working out at the gym...or making it to church on Sunday mornings then it's obvious - something is out-of-whack! The good news is that I AM camping, I AM riding my bike again, I AM working out again and I expect to be back in church Sunday mornings on a regular basis!
And who knows...if my medical situation keeps improving and my sleep cycle gets back on track I might just be back in the choir singing! Now THAT would really be a sign that I'm getting my life back! Although, frankly getting well-enough to go back to work would be a huge breakthrough! My doctor says forget about it for this year...maybe 2009... I've been attending the men's group on Wednesday night at Faith Chapel and it has been a real blessing for me. On the surface it's a Bible study class but in reality it is so much more... I have felt very encouraged by the 25+ men who attend. Heck! For me it's my main social event each week! This last week I missed because I was sick with a sinus infection and they always seem to hit me hard. In fact, I considered bailing on camping but I was able to pack my camping stuff and set my trailer up at the campsite. However, I was pretty darn wiped-out the next day. I've been taking antibiotics all this week but I still haven't felt up to working out or riding my bike. I'm sure, though, that I'll be good to go by the beginning of next week.
Anyway, it seems kind of strange that I'm camping alone. In the past I usually had a group of friends going or at least a couple of people coming by for a visit. But for this trip, I guess it's just me and God... Still, I'm having a great time and actually feel a great sense of victory... Victory over the adversity of the last couple of years...victory over broken friendships...victory over the chronic illness that has had such an impact on my life for the last several years...
Someday, I know that I'll have someone to share my life with and I'm already looking forward to that day when we set up my tent trailer together and I sit around the campfire with her, grateful to God for finally bringing a good woman into my life... For now, I just have to keep on truckin' and keep doing my part - losing weight, staying on track with the withdrawal process from my cortisol medication, continuing to connect and reconnect at church and most importantly trust that God will do the rest...
Oh yeah! I made a video from the campground and posted in the column on the right. Click on the thumbnail to play it.
Catch ya later...
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