Looks like I'm finally starting to emerge from the shadows... As many of you know, I've had a rough spell over the last year and a half mostly due to medical issues (pituitary failure). Last summer tests indicated that perhaps my pituitary gland was functional after all so my doctor pushed me to began the withdrawal process from the steroid medications used for treating this disorder. That's when all Hell broke loose and pushed me to the edge repeatedly for months... severe sleep problems, severe anxiety, claustrophobia, fatigue, etc. For a while I actually wondered if I was going insane...
I determined that the withdrawal process was wreaking havoc on my body but my doctor insisted I just tough it out. Eventually, I said to Hell with it and resumed the normal dosages. The symptoms eventually got a lot better. For the last month I've been trying a different dosaging schedule as a result of research on the internet. And guess what?! Those terrible sleep problems are GONE! Instead of being awake all night and then hardly being able to sleep when I finally did crash, I'm almost back to my normal sleep cycle of 10 years ago! What an incredible improvement!!!
For now, I'm going to forget about trying to withdraw from the medications. In fact, I'm wondering if the tests last summer were wrong and that I still need to take them. I'll follow up with the doctor up at UCLA - who warned me about trying to withdraw. Unlike my doctor in San Diego, he seems to know exactly what to do.
Anyway, I feel like this is a huge breakthrough for me and I can't wait to start my next challenge on Monday!!! It seems like forever but finally I can truly say that my confidence is back! Damn! That's a great feeling!!! And I am so looking forward to sharing my great progress with you!!!
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