While riding the Lifecycle today I had somewhat of a moment of clarity and profound truth... In a nutshell, if I don't make my fitness and health a top priority, I won't be happy or feel good about my life or myself. It's that simple...
There are a million ways that I could justify making exercise and taking care of my body a low priority...and they seem like pretty sound logic. But logic doesn't always equate to truth. I'm sure you recognize these common reasons people give to explain why they don't work out or watch what they eat...
"I just don't have the time. My family is too important to put myself first."
"It's just too hard to follow this program."
"There is just too much stress in my life right now for me to take on something like this."
"I just want to take it easy and enjoy life right now."
"With my job and family responsibilities I just don't have the time."
There's more...but you get the idea. And for each one of these you'll find far more people who will agree with you than those who will challenge you on it.
But I've decided that I will not let such distractive logic get in the way of pursuing the life I want. The greatest excuse in the world doesn't offset the tremendous regret and disappointment you feel when you aren't living up to your standards. Yes, I will have setbacks and disappointments along the way but I still keep coming back to the simple and profound truth...I can't accept doing anything less than my best.
I say ditch the debate and just get to the gym... Don't let setbacks and difficulties twist you into thinking that exercise and fitness aren't important. Just face the truth that your health means the world to you and that you'll never be content with just letting your body go...
Next time you have doubts about your BFL program don't even ask yourself whether or not you can or will do this...don't even let that decision be negotiable. Instead, remind yourself that one way or another you will succeed with your BFL program and the only question to consider is "What's the best thing I can do right now?"
Nuff said? I think so...