Lately, I've heard a
few comments about my tan. I have that funky looking bike rider tan.
I've got white feet but dark legs. There's that dramatic tan line just
above the knee that makes most folks suggest I sign up at the local
tanning salon.
But more striking
and I suppose disturbing to anyone who is even remotely style-conscious
is that profound white band around my wrist where my watch is when I'm
out bike riding.
Those tan-line
imbalances along with my ebony-ivory tan line on my biceps are glaring
and I guess nerdy indicators that this man is much more serious about
putting in long hours on the bike than he is with his epidermal
I admit that I'm
guilty on all counts... But damn I'm proud of it! For those who know
me, you realize that those funky aspects of my appearance are in
someways like the red badge of courage...
Every time I view
those imperfections, I get giddy because I know what they really
mean... They are bona fide evidence that this man has finally made it
through the storm...keeping afloat after fighting chronic illness for
almost 10 years...
My friends have made some good some instant tan...go to the tanning salon to even things out...
Good ideas, but I
just don't think I can do that... To me it would be like taking your
kid's A+ report card and painting over it with a dull even color...
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